Safeguarding and GDPR

Safeguarding is a priority here at Whitefriars Church.  We are committed to following government and Church of England guidelines on safeguarding children and vulnerable adults; and good working practice, including safer recruitment of volunteers and paid workers.

We work to a formal Safeguarding Policy which can be viewed below.

All our volunteers work according to our policy (as above) which is supported by a covenant that is specific to their role: if you would like more information about covenants, please contact our Resources Manager.

If you have an allegation to make or you have a concern about a vulnerable person then please contact one of the following :-
Lynda King 07758 512738Melvyn Hunter 07941 172858

If none of these is available, contact Victoria Kellett the Peterborough Doicesan Safeguarding Advisors by phone (01733) 887040 or email 

If you think the person is likely to be at risk of immediate harm then phone the police on 999 and then contact one of the above at the earliest opportunity.

 The following forms are in use in Whitefriars Parish: -

  • Safeguarding report form - for reporting any concerns with regards to safeguarding issues download the pdf from the box below or email and request a Safeguarding reporting form.
  • Accident/incident report form - for reporting any accidents or incidents which occur during activities supported by Whitefriars Church
  • Driver consent form - for all drivers to confirm their details prior to undertaking driving of children and vulnerable adults for Whitefriars Church activities,      



Nearly all of our GDPR is covered by the use of ChurchSuite.

Our GDPR Policy is available at the end of this page.

If you think you have accidentially shared personal data please contact the Church Data Protection Officer (DPO), Melvyn Hunter by mail - c/o Whitefriars Church, Boughton Drive, Rushden NN10 9HX or by email -



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A Safer Church Policy and Procedure May2024 (Adobe Acrobat (PDF) Downloadable Documents)
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UK GDPR Policy 2023 (Adobe Acrobat (PDF) Downloadable Documents)
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Volunteer Covenant (Adobe Acrobat (PDF) Downloadable Documents)
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Accident and Incident Report Form (Adobe Acrobat (PDF) Downloadable Documents)
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Driver Consent Form (Adobe Acrobat (PDF) Downloadable Documents)