Job Vacancy


Vicar for Whitefriars Church




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Whitefriars Church family sponsor 25 children through Compassion.

Thank you for changing the lives of these children.  Through our church partnership with Compassion, we are helping to release children from poverty in Jesus’ name.

 If you would like more details for sponsorship click the link

Compassion UK



Welcome to Whitefriars Church, Rushden

Rev Chris Youngman has now retired

If you need to contact the church during this time of vacancy, for baptisms, marriages, funerals or other pastoral matters, the church office (The Bridge) is open on Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 9am and 1pm.

Telephone number 01933 312270 (answer phone messages will be picked up when the office is open)

You can phone or email Sara in the office at and she will pass your details on to someone who will be able to assist you.

We are a church where lives are being transformed by the Holy Spirit into the likeness of Christ.

We're a thriving church which grew out of a children's holiday club in August 1991.  We are  made up of people from all walks of life, and all ages, committed to loving God and serving  people.

We are passionate about seeing transformation in our relationships: with God; with one       another; and with the wider community.  We have different stories to tell, but are united by the love of God, which we long to share with everyone we come into contact with.

If you want to know more about the Bible’s message for you, please click here.


   More About Us

Children & Youth


Stepping Out Communities
Can We Help?



Children’s Ministry

 Jack in the Box

1st, 3rd, 4th and 5th Sunday morning

For Pre-school and reception children

Energize and Refuel

1st , 3rd and 4th Sunday morning

10.15am for 10.30am start

Contact Emma


Youth Ministry


Sunday evenings 6.30 pm -8.30pm

Years 7 to 13

In the Bridge

Contact Rosie

07856 764771



Can We Help?

  • A listening ear

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