
Sunday 28th May 2023  Pentecost Sunday.  Compassion 

Sunday 4th June 2023 Jesus said I am the way, the truth and the life


Latest sermon

The Story of Hope - The parable of the sower

Sunday 01 November

Simon King

Mark 4 - 1-20

Previous sermons


Sunday 25 October

Rev. Chris Youngman

2 Corinthians 5 v 14-21

The Story of Hope - A hole in the roof

Sunday 18 October

Emma Smith

Luke 5 v 17-26

Being filled with the Holy Spirit

Sunday 11 October

Rev Josh

John 16 7-15


Sunday 04 October

Rev Chris

Act 2 1-13

Sunday 25th June 2023  Jesus said "I am the Bread of Life"


Sunday 2nd July 2023 Jesus said "I am the Vine"


